Mapinduzi Road,Kikwajuni Zanzibar
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Project Description

Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) proposes a 36-month action to be implemented in both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar in collaboration with other 12 CSOs including Jumuiya ya Wanawake wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) to be recruited as sub-grantees. The action is expected to be with a spill over to other 1,000 CSOs to be engaged by the grantees in their specific zones and in the national level events such as CSO Week and Zanzibar Civil Society Convening, to mention a few. The action has an overall objective to contribute to an improved and enabling policy framework and environment for effective civil society engagement as key actors of democratic governance in Tanzania. This overall objective is in alignment with objectives and priorities as stated in the EU Call for Proposals to Strengthen CSOs as Independent Actors of Good Governance and Development in Tanzania, specifically Lot 1: Enabling Environment for Civil Society, with the key objective of fostering an enabling environment for civil society, which supports civic space and CSO-Government dialogue. 

Similarly, the action is linked with the EU's commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights in its work with partner countries. This is well articulated in the EU and its Member States' joint approach in Tanzania. It aims to combine dialogue, advocacy, and technical interventions specifically related to media freedom, access to quality information and quality reporting; peace and conflict prevention; civic participation, in particular for women and youth; human rights monitoring and advocacy; access to justice, especially for vulnerable populations; and the fight against corruption. 

The action is also linked to the EU Third Country CSOs Roadmap 2021-2024 which focuses on fostering an enabling environment for civil society, promoting meaningful participation of civil society in multi stakeholder policy processes and strengthening civil society organizations' capacity to promote public accountability, be legitimate representatives of the interests of the citizens groups and effectively perform their roles as independent development actors. 

The action is also aligned to national policies and laws and particularly the Tanzania Constitution where article 21 (2), states that ‘every citizen has the right and freedom to participate fully in the process leading to the decision on matters affecting him, his well-being or the nation. Therefore, JUWAUZA with funding of TZS 110,000,000 is implementing this project with the intent to generate first-hand information which will guide both the strengthening of civil society and the framing of an agenda for CSO-Government dialogues. Civil Society will be coordinated in a way that they are able to clearly and consistently dialogue with relevant Government structures to influence both policy and practice reforms at both local and national levels.

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