Mapinduzi Road,Kikwajuni Zanzibar
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About Us

Who We Are

Jumuiya ya Wanawake wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) translated as Organization of Women with Disabilities in Zanzibar is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization and non partisan which officially registered in December, 2008 under the Society Act No. 6, 1995 with registration No. 671 and re-registered under the business entity’s registration Act No. 12 of 2012 with official registration No. Z0000049980.

The main focus of JUWAUZA is to advocate for the rights of women and girls with disabilities through awareness creation, training and capacity building. Also, the organization addresses the social issues that include livelihoods, education, peace building, health, economic, political and human rights that focus to develop women and girls with disabilities at different levels of the society.

Mission, Vision & Core Values

Our Mission

JUWAUZA is non-government organization which strives to advocate and empower women and girls with disabilities to enable them enjoy their rights and have quality life.

Our Vision

JUWAUZA envisions to having a society where women and girls with disabilities enjoy equal rights and opportunities and live in barriers free environment.

Core Values

  • Teamwork
  • Transparency
  • Inclusion
  • Competence
  • Integrity
  • Volunteerism


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