Mapinduzi Road,Kikwajuni Zanzibar
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Project Description

Jumuiya ya Wanawake wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) implemented a ten months project named We Are One. The project was implemented in twenty five constituencies (13 in Unguja and 12 in Pemba) and a total of 38 shehias (22 in Unguja and 16 in Pemba). 

The constituencies and shehias were selected to represent diversity in political leanings (predominantly pro-opposition communities and predominantly pro-CCM communities) and a balance of rural communities who historically and geographically lack adequate or received late information, and more urban constituencies with better access to information. The project had two strategic goals to achieve. 

The first was to engage a broad based grassroots audience in order to sensitize the Government of National Unity (GNU) and foster reconciliation amongst communities. The second was to provide a platform for the documentation of a citizen/grassroots agenda of issues and recommendations for presentation to policy makers and other duty bearers towards the implementation of the GNU particularly on political and electoral reforms. 

The project aimed at anchoring national unity and social cohesion throughout the Zanzibari society (urban and rural areas) by enhancing social cohesion and inclusive political participation. The project had a total fund of $ 155,000 which was implemented from August 2021 – May 2022)


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